Tipperary Multeen Tourism
Rural Tourism in Action
The Multeen area envelopes rolling lush fertile land and low scenic hills making up the valleys and glens of South Tipperary.
It is situated North of Tipperary Town and West of Cashel, South of Nenagh and East of Limerick City. It can be best viewed by following the Raparee Drive (56 kilometres/35 miles) which commences in Tipperary Town. This drive passes through the historical towns of Donohill, Annacarty, Dundrum and Hollyford nestling in the hills, onto Cappawhite, the ancient parish of Toem and back to Tipperary Town.
The area is well known for its association with historical events down through the centuries, with its ancient pattern wells, forts, mottes and antiquities, from pre-christian and medieval times down to the present century's fight for Irish Freedom.
In the 17th century, "Eamon an Chnoic" Ireland's own "Robin Hood" roamed the hills righting the wrongs of the under-privileged native Irish. This type of outlaw was known as the "Irish Raparee". Legend claims that his cave and burial place is in the hills between Hollyford and Cappawhite.
Its ruralness and natural beauty is a haven for nature lovers and walking enthusiasts. The Greenfields Park walks are many and varied and are ideal for a family afternoon trip. The hill walks with panoramic views of seven counties are for the more enthusiastic.
In the 19th century, the focus of the farming community centred on the fair days in Cappawhite where many a skull was cracked in "Faction Fights".
The character and flavour of the Raparee countryside can be best sampled and experienced in the many local taverns where you are assured of a "Cead Míle Fáilte"

Tipperary Multeen Tourism acknowledges the support from South Tipperary Development Company, The Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs and the EU" |