Origin of the name Cappawhite :
The old name for Cappawhite was Ceapach meaning
" tillage plot or clearance in a wood ". The White
family living in Cappagh House in the 1800’s gave
the White name to the village.
Faction Fight : " The Fair of Cappawhite is no place for a man with a thin skull "
was the plead by a defendant in a murder charge after a Fair in
Cappawhite. It was famous for its Faction Fighting from the early
1800’s to 1887 where the Russian Buckley was killed in the last
recorded fight.
Local Community Centre : The old community hall was built in 1930 and it housed
the first " Rural Vocational School in Ireland " in 1931.
This was replaced by the new Community Centre in
2003 which caters for the whole Community and
Surrounding areas . It caters for the elderly ; the young
with its splendour facilities including an adjoining
G.A.A. field and Tennis Courts, etc.
Grouse in the Red Hill : The top of the Red Hill with its panoramic view of the Golden
Vale is preserved for the native Bird " The Grouse ".
Multeen River : The River flows through the Parishes of Hollyford, Annacarty and
Cappawhite and gives its name to many community projects / groups.
The river is ideal for fishing and is a spawning source for salmon.
Mines in Hollyford ; Copper Mining in Hollyford took place over many years from 1759
to 1871 in various stages. Tradition states that up to 500 people
worked in the mines during its peak times. The Mining Company
contributed substantially to alleviating the effects of famine in this
Greenfield Park : Purefoy the landlord used the wood and bog of Greenfield to establish
colonies of Butterflies that were practically extinct and were native to
the district He introduced the " Brimstone Butterfly " and the " Large
Coppers " which was imported from the Continent. He planted many
specialised plants to feed the Butterflies e.g. Wild Scabious, Water
Drop Wort, giant Water Duck, Tall Weed, Buck Torn etc.
In recent years the area was developed as an Amenity Park with 5
looped walks ranging from 600 metres to 2600 metres.
The Motte in Donohill : Norman Fortress built around the 1200’s and the scene of many
a dispute between native Irish and Anglo-Saxon.
O’ Sullivan Beare attacked Donohill in 1603. " The food was
immediately devoured by those who rushed in first and the rest
commenced to feed like cattle on the wheat, beans and barely
grains deposited in the Castle ".
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